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He created his own country in a desert

Source: Wikipedia

The Republic of Molossia is a micronation located near Dayton Nevada. Founded by Kevin Baugh
Molossia claims foundation on May 26, 1977, under the name Grand Republic of Vuldstein, with James Spielman as King James I, and Kevin Baugh as Prime Minister. On September 3, 1999, Baugh declared the Republic of Molossia, with himself as president.
In 2000 Molossia hosted the first Intermicronational Olympic Games, timed to the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. The same year, Molossia adopted the Norton Day (January 8) as an international holiday for small nations, honoring Joshua A. Norton (c.1819-1880), self-proclaimed “Emperor of these United States”. In 2001 Molossia hosted the first Intermicronational World Exposition, showcasing micronations from the world over. In August 2003 Molossia purchased land in Northern California, claiming it as a colony called Farfalla.

Molossia recognizes several other micronations, with numerous treaties enacted to this end. In May and June of 2008, Molossia will hold a summit of micronational leaders from around the world.
Molossia asserts it was one of the first countries to recognize the Republic of Kosovo, one day after it was declared on February 18, 2008, with Baugh sending an official letter to the newly formed government.

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